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Mini Habits for Weight Loss by Stephen Guise

Your new guide to losing weight

The “Mini Habits for Weight Loss: Stop Dieting. Form New Habits. Change Your

Lifestyle Without Suffering. (Volume 2)” is a great book about health and weight loss. Stephen Guise is the author of this book. This is excellent info that makes it possible to succeed and live a healthier life. In Mini Habits for

Weight Loss, you will learn how to lose weight naturally in the precise way your body and brain are meant to change. We have blamed ourselves for lack of discipline. That didn’t help. We have blamed calories, carbs, and fat. That did not help. We have blamed our diet formulas. That did not help. It’s time we looked at the practice of dieting. Nearly all diets are ineffective because they are based on dieting. Every person has a diet, but it’s only if you are trying to lose weight that you diet.

It’s time we looked at the practice of dieting.

Nearly all diets are ineffective because they’re based on dieting. Every person has a diet (noun), but it’s only if you are trying to lose weight that you diet (verb). Dieting is eating and drinking sparingly or selectively to reduce your weight.

It doesn’t work. If you’ve tried dieting, you know that.

Even the “perfect diet” with the right foods will fail if it’s approached from the traditional dieting perspective. Since weight loss experts are more concerned with biology than neuroscience, we get brilliant discussions on nutrition followed by the same dumb suggestion to “immediately start eating completely different foods than the ones you’re habitually used to eating, and give up everything else.”

You’ll discover :

  • Why it’s a terrible idea to forbid junk food.

  • How some of the most impactful changes you can make don’t involve either diet or exercise.

  • Why conscious calorie restriction causes long-term weight GAIN, and how this science has been publicly available (and ignored) for more than 30 years.

  • How the body’s change process mirrors that of the brain, and why that is great news for losing weight.

  • Creative strategies to mitigate weight gain from eating out, social events, and holiday binge sessions.

  • Why eating fruit is essential to losing weight (for lots of reasons).

  • The role of exercise and an active lifestyle in weight loss, with appropriate strategies.

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to change your behavior and lose weight in the long term with mini habits.

Instead of reading yet another dieting book, why not try a proven behavioral change strategy that your brain and body will welcome and respond to?


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